
The equipments used in for dream school project a equipments.


1 This is the camera which runs by remote control.
Although this was due to be used at first, it was not used for the sake of a partner's convenience.

2 Two the camera with you.
At first we were supposed to was this only for keeping recored.
But due to the inconvenience shown in 1,we used this to send the image too.

3 This is a liquid crystal television as you know.
We enjoyed th exchange with the other side was enjoyed using this television.

4 In order to record the contents of the session,
the progress situation was summarized using this personal computer.

5 This is an international phone call machine. It was connected with the television and the a camera from there.Before doing the dream project, it had not been connected due to a trouble.
But,the test connection succeeded 30 minutes before the real session.