Communication with foreign countries   *Japanese*



When I took this class, I thought that this class is studying only PC.

However I really surprised because we exchanged information between us and foreign countries.


In addition we did Videoconferencing on December 16th.

I thought that was very important experience. Maybe I will not have such a chance in my life. I was moved by advance of science.


Our ancestors could not expect this progress. Of course I can not imagine our future but I think many things will be convenient more and more. Therefore people donft feel thanks and understand valuable. Finally they waste everything, I think.

So we should understand value of things and be thankful for progress. Furthermore through communication with many foreign countries, we should learn differences between Japanese culture and other countryfs culture.


Today, there are many people who can not eat meals enough or go to school and so on. If every Japanese people know these problems they would not waste things.


I hope that not only Japanese but also people who live in developing countries spend their life feeling happy and safety. The most important thing is may be world peace.

This essay is my opinion after experience communication with foreign countries.

Thank you for reading. I hope this year will be good for you. See you again.


                                                 Sincerely yours; Kei