Kick Off Party (Japanese)

Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:30am - 8:30am Japan time
__________________________<---------------------------------------> Wednesday, November 9, 2005 4:30pm - 5:30pm USA Central time

Network /Software, Equipment :ADSL, MSN Messenger (Video), iVisit (Video), Talking Communities (Audio), Web cam, Microphone, Speaker

GVC05-18 18 students, Japan
<------------------------> American Institute of Monterrey, S.C. (Mexico), Dawson Middle School (Tex, USA)
Teachers: Sugimoto, Japan ( <----------> Ms. Quezada (Mexico), Ms. Presley (USA)

Purpose: To say hello by three school members and To be classmates in GVC05-18 (Language: English)

Here was a Kick Off Party for GVC05-18. Three schools members came together on screen at same time and they said Hello each other. The program was the following,
1. Mexico teacher, Welcomes Three Schools
2. Sugimoto introduces Japan students and people who are in the ceremony.
2. USA teacher introduces USA students and people who are in the ceremony.
3. Mexico teacher introduces Mexico students and people who are in the ceremony.
4. Students present their presentation.
5. Principals from the three Schools wish the team good luck.
6. We three teams cut our cake at the same time and we will Toss wishing us good luck for our project.
(See the CAKE in the screen above, it was from Mexico.)
7. End of the ceremony.
We had a great time with Mexico and USA team and students talked, waved their hands and typed letters in chat window to communicate each other. They were seemed really to have fun and to decide doing their best for classmates.
But we had some problems of technical side in network and video & chat software at same time. That was what Free video & chat software can only connect for 1:1 and so we needed to prepare three PCs, one is iVisit in video for Mexico, one is MSM messenger in video for USA and another is Talking Communities in audio for three schools.  In addition, 
MNS messenger did not work and we could not see USA team, only voice communication worked. So we were confused and a little bit upset and the Meeting was not completed for us.  I decided to solve the problems for next opportunity.  Written by Suigmoto, teacher.